Dustin Kidd - News

Dustin Kidd is happy to speak to journalists and writers about his research on popular culture and social media, or to share sociological comments about these topics.

Dustin Kidd - Recent Media Appearances

Screen capture of CBS3 interview.

Screen capture of CBS3 interview.

Op-Eds and Essays

Newsworks: Pop Culture is the New President

Contexts: Fire in our bellies, fear in our arts

AfterImage: Mapplethorpe and the New Obscenity

Pop Culture Commentary

Philadelphia Inquirer: The bubble of our coronavirus conversations is threatening our humanity

CBS3 Philly: Study Suggests Social Media Bubble Makes Us Narrow-Minded

Temple News: Stella the Owl Marries Longtime Mate

Associated Press: How Where you Went to School Affects What you Think About the Civil War

Bucks County Courier Times: Social Media Makes it Easier to Accept Fake News as Real

CBS3 Philly: Binge-watching TV Shows Impacts Sleep/Mental Health

CBS3 Philly: Will $1000 iPhone Equate to a $1 Trillion Value for Apple

Philadelphia Inquirer: How to get paid for going to parties and building IKEA furniture

CBS3 Philly: Science Behind Stocking Up: Why Milk, Bread & Eggs During A Storm?

Swaay: We Hear Them Roar: Are Empowering Lyrics the New Trend in Pop Culture?

Lincoln Journal Star: The Morning After the Election, Where Do We Go from Here?

Lincoln Journal Star: Funny or Frightening, Why do Clowns Freak us Out?

Pittsburg Tribune: Rash of Hoaxes no Laughing Matter for Clowns

NBC Philadelphia: With Creepy Clown Sightings on the Rise, Cops Are Cracking Down on Hoaxes Nationwide

Shanghai Daily: Top TV series getting museum treatment in US

Philly Voice: What is Slash Fiction?

New York Times: Elvis Remains a Fixture at Las Vegas Weddings

Philadelphia Inquirer: Hip-Hop and the Taylor Swift Effect.

LA Times: 'How did we let this happen?' The Amy Winehouse question and social science's take on modern fame.

ChatterBlast: Freaks, Geeks (and Professors): Sociology Goes Social.

Bloomberg: ‘Daily Show’ Heir Trevor Noah’s Tweets Spark Criticism.

Bloomberg: South African Trevor Noah to Succeed Stewart at 'The Daily Show'.

PhillyVoice.com: Flowers, films and folklore: Disney's expanding cultural influence.

Philadelphia Weekly:  What your college professor really, really wants to tell you.

College Magazine: Guide to a sociology major.

Philadelphia Inquirer: Spas with a Kids Menu.

Bloomberg Business: Stewart Lets Viacom Shake Up Late Night Again by Hiring a Woman.

Temple News: Sociology Professor Dustin Kidd pens field guide to popular culture.

Philadelphia Inquirer: Crowdfunding or high-tech panhandling?

Australian Broadcast Network: Pop Culture Freaks.

International Business Times: Thanks, Hackers: Why Sony’s Silly ‘The Interview’ Will Join Free
Speech Touchstones Like ‘Huckleberry Finn’ And ‘Lolita’

Philadelphia Inquirer: Ka-POWer Grrls! Philly feminist geeks fight harassment at comic conventions

NPR: What Does Your To-Do List Say About You?

Philadelphia Magazine: Philly Author Examines LGBT Representation in Media in Pop Culture Freaks

WedMD: How Blogs Have Changed the World

CardhubIs financial literacy going mainstream?

E! Online: Eerie links between Osama bin Laden and Harry Potter. Really?